Wednesday 9 April 2014

Why is Drinking Water Important for Weight Loss?

Image source: Vieran2001
Water is obviously important to humans for many different reasons but why is a high level of water intake important for your body in terms of losing weight and getting in-shape?

As your body burns calories and breaks down fats, toxins are released and must be dealt with by your body. Compare your body to the engine of a car, a car's engine makes use of reactions to convert a fuel source into power, in this process toxins and gases are produced and these by-products are released through the exhaust of the car. The by-products of fat / calorie burning reactions in your body must be flushed out of your body through the use of water.

Furthermore it's recommended that you drink filtered tap water whether that be from a filtered water cooler, filtered tap or bought from a local supermarket or store. For more information on Filtered water coolers or filters please visit

Blood Volume
Dehydration can result in a reduction in your body's blood volume and this results in your bloods viscosity raising. This also means that your muscles cannot be supplied with as much oxygen as they could be if you were fully hydrated. This can produce a tired and fatigued effect and possibly cause you problems when exercising.

Water plays a big role in the health and endurance of your muscles. Without proper hydration your muscles will become fatigued quickly during exercise and your joints will also start to ache.

Suppressing Your Appetite
People often confuse thirst with hunger and instead of grabbing the glass of water that their body needs they grab a snack. A good way to limit your food intake is to, when you feel hungry, grab a drink of water first and see if that does the trick. You should also drink water with every meal as it will make you feel full and satisfied sooner.

Increasing Your Metabolism
A chilled glass of water is proven to raise your metabolism and burn calories as your body needs to warm the water up. A fantastic way to burn calories throughout your every day life, in addition to your diet and exercise regime.

Water is also incredibly important for building muscle, something that I will cover in my next post.

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